An Open Letter to the 14 Year Old 'Trans Kid' I Used to Be
Here's what I wish my 14 year old self had known about the 'gender journey' she'd already spent two years embarked upon, from the perspective of a now 25 year old detransitioner.
If I could reach through this photograph of my 14 year old trans- identified self, I would tell her that she was born in the RIGHT BODY.
I would tell her that she will go through many bad hair days; four different styles of bowl cuts, & that she’ll make her own bow ties which she’ll wear crookedly to debate tournaments.
I would tell her that the trans influencers on the internet are LIARS and SCAMMERS. I would tell her that in 10 years time, at least half of the them will quietly detransition.
I would tell her that she will move to the Middle East & spend her young adult years living as a man. I would tell her that living as a man would rob her of the years of life lessons which women are supposed to learn in young adulthood.
I would tell her that none of this would teach her the value of “living authentically”. I would tell her that years of breast binding would only cause her harm, and wouldn’t teach her to make peace with herself.
I would tell her that the breast binding she takes such comfort in now will be her increasingly uncomfortable reality for the next ten years. I would tell her that what feels like a tight hug now, will proceed to suffocate her slowly without her even realizing it.
I would tell her that she will have emerged from transition, not with scars across her chest, but with disfigured breasts, a damaged rib cage and the inability to take deep breaths without pain.
I would tell her that her current beliefs about herself will change, but that her body and the damage she has done to it, will stay with her forever.
I would tell her that while living as a man would be one hell of an adventure, she will one day awaken in a war zone, to the sound of a siren and realize that her pursuit of becoming a man, was all just make-believe.
I would tell her that her young adulthood will become defined by the collision of her childish fantasies, with the reality of the cold, hard floor of a bomb shelter. I would tell her that in the wake of her transition, she will be left with only grab bag of disjointed jigsaw puzzle pieces representing genuine moments, scattered within a thousand-piece bag of lies masquerading as her ‘true, authentic self’.
I would tell her that it’s ok to be gay. I would tell her that she doesn’t need to ‘become a man’ in order to find a woman who will love her.
I would tell her that her parents don’t hate her- but that they’re just trying to protect her. I would tell her that she is so *sure* of her desire to live as a man, not because she is correct- but because she is YOUNG.
I would tell her that being an oddball kid is hard, but that being an oddball adult is incredible fun!
I would tell her that though today it seems impossible to be comfortable living as a woman, she will get there eventually. I would tell my 14 year old self that although she hates herself…
I love her.
And you can tell her that parents of other children like her will read this letter and cry because it's so poignant and true.
How I wish it wouldn't take bombings in Israel for other smart young women like you to realize their own bodies are their best allies, not their enemies!
This should be required reading for every teen and preteen convinced that transitioning is the correct path for them. Thanks for your bravery and good luck on your life journey.